Booking VILLA MONÉ Please fill out all fields marked with *. (Required fields) Firstname:* Familyname*: Age Street: ZIB / City: Country: Phone: Email-adress*: Day of arrival Departure Per night for 2 Persons € 105,00 x nights = € ,00 + Per night for each additional person over 5 years: € 10,00 Number of people der Personen : 0 1 2 3 4 € ,00 + Per night for each child under 5 years: € 5,00 Number of childs: 0 1 2 3 € ,00 + WIFI - Internet € 2,00 per day: Please enter a 1: 0 1 € ,00 + Final cleaning: € 90,00 Total price: € ,00 Your message: (remaining characters: 2500)